Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Are you being proactive with your health?

A few weeks ago, my husband and I went through the executive health program at John Hopkins. What that basically means is that we complete all the checkups each of us should complete each year in an efficient manner: full blood work up, mammogram, stress test, eye exams, hearing test, dermatology exam, and a colonoscopy for my husband to end the two-day affair.

Both my husband and I feel healthy, workout consistently each week and eat healthy. We feel really good and feel blessed that we are in good health up to this point.

As I was getting my eye's thoroughly examined I was touched by what the doctor shared.  Affordable health care is for preventative care.  Now, more Americans can get a better chance for early diagnosis and early treatment.

Aside from the doctor recommending a biopsy of my mole, MG and I having to boost a few vitamin levels, a recommendation to lose a few pounds all was good.  We left feeling good. Five days later I received a call from the doctor saying the mole tested positive for melanoma insight 2.  I was Assured by the doctor that they got it all.  I was also told that I need to come in and have more cells removed and be monitored a few times per year.

While personally relieved, it made me think.... If we wish to live the retirement plan my husband and I desire, than we have an obligation to be proactive in managing our health.

Q: What is the vision for your retirement?   
Q: Do you have the right tools in place to best manage your health care costs/needs?   

To learn more, check out our video.

Watch more videos here: https://vimeo.com/user37514114

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